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Dress like a woman in a Red Chick Year

February 6, 2017
| Kelly Okamura responds to the new White House dress code for female staff, explores the hashtag #dresslikeawoman, and gives style advice for the astrological yin year of the Chinese Fire Chicken.
Length: 12:08 minutes (27.8 MB)

Wearing pink

January 24, 2017
| Pink reflections on the Women's March. Pussycat hats and choosing feminist fashion attire.
Length: 12:05 minutes (27.68 MB)

Red, black and click on Black Friday

November 29, 2016
| On this show: Black Friday in Canada, and shopping with students at a charity thrift store.
Length: 11:33 minutes (26.47 MB)

'River Blue' connects consumption choices with impact

September 11, 2016
| Connecting cheap choices with living systems in River Blue. A conversation with the film makers on this yet to be released documentary.
Length: 27:32 minutes (63.03 MB)

Real world runway

July 26, 2016
| The cancellation of Toronto Fashion Week could be a good thing. In this episode of gooderGoods, Kelly Okamura explains why.
Length: 08:29 minutes (19.45 MB)

Waste Wanted

May 24, 2016
| Textile waste expert Sabine Weber says your one sided sock and holey towel need a better place to end their life cycles than the landfill.
Length: 20:20 minutes (46.56 MB)

Dress as a fashion revolutionary

April 23, 2016
| Flourishing fashion attire for the red carpet.
Length: 13:03 minutes (29.9 MB)

KRO meets the Cardinal

March 26, 2016
| Easter message of good goods.
Length: 08:45 minutes (20.05 MB)

Love and Passion

February 13, 2016
| Show your true love and creating triple P passion
Length: 07:01 minutes (16.1 MB)

Purchasing power for change

January 29, 2016
| Why we are all complicit in adding more crap to our planet.
Length: 10:07 minutes (23.16 MB)
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