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Image: Wikimedia Commons/Jeffery J. Nichols
| February 14, 2017

Did you read the Truth and Reconcilliation report?

Duncan, B.C.-based writer Jennifer Manuel created an online campaign asking Canadians to pledge to read the entire 380-page document. Manuel calls it The TRC Reading Challenge. When she began in April, she hoped to have just 1,000 people sign on, but over 3,000 have already done so.  Read the report and then let's support the TRC's demands for change. 

Read the entire article by Dennis Gruending



Comparing fiscal federalism and revenue distribution in Canada and Australia

Photo: Nicki Mannix/flickr

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Gibeau Orange Julep in Montreal, Quebec.
| March 16, 2016
Photo: Flickr/William Pitcher
| November 2, 2015
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