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| August 24, 2016
| July 31, 2016
St. Albert, Alberta, Post Office
| May 24, 2016

After years of injustice, Canada should bring Hassan Diab home


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This week, a French judge decided to order the release of Hassan Diab while an investigation into his case continues. It is both ironic and embarrassing to see a French judge decide to do what a Canadian judge should have done many years ago: order Hassan Diab a free man!


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Nuit debout protests spread across Europe

May 6, 2016
| Nuit debout is a French social movement that began on March 31 with the occupation of La Place de la République in protest against proposed labour reforms. It has since spread across Europe.
Length: 12:40 minutes (11.6 MB)
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| March 26, 2016

War on terror and the growth of ISIS

December 13, 2015
| In the wake of the attacks in Paris last month, the French government vowed to escalate surveillance of Muslims. Paul Gottinger says we need to move beyond what he calls the hysteria of vengeance.
Length: 13:47 minutes (12.63 MB)
Image: Wikimedia Commons
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Recep Tayyip Erdogan
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