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Talking Radical Radio

LGBTQ+ organizing against racism and pinkwashing in Nova Scotia

November 2, 2016
| Ardath Whynacht and Dee Morse talk about the work of the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project.
Length: 28:39 minutes (26.24 MB)

Watch: World attention on Gaza

Jim Manly is a former Canadian MP and a retired United Church of Canada minister. He was a delegate on the Swedish Ship "Estelle" which attempted to break the blockade of Gaza in October 2012. 

Last summer, all eyes were on Gaza when Israel launched its third major attack on Gaza in 6 years. The resulting destruction largely remains and the world isn't living up to its commitment to rebuild.


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Talking Radical Radio

Beit Zatoun: From Palestine to important multi-movement infrastructure in Toronto

November 19, 2014
| Robert Massoud talks about Toronto grassroots space and cultural centre Beit Zatoun.
Length: 28:16 minutes (25.89 MB)

Groundwire Episode 2: Palestine solidarity, Grassy Narrows land rights and campus community radio turns 28

July 31, 2014
| This episode is produced by CKUT in Montreal, featuring stories about a Palestine solidarity rally in Montreal, Grassy Narrows land rights, and celebrating 28 years of campus community radio.
Length: 30:00 minutes (27.48 MB)

End the occupation: Henry Siegman speaks out against attack on Gaza

Photo: jerry dohnal/flickr

The Israeli assault on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip has entered its fourth week. This military attack, waged by land, sea and air, has been going on longer than the devastating assault in 2008-2009, which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians. The death toll in this current attack is at least 1,300, overwhelmingly civilians. As this column was being written, the United Nations confirmed that a UN school in Gaza, where thousands of civilians were seeking shelter, was bombed by the Israeli Defense Forces, killing at least 20 people. The United Nations said it reported the exact coordinates of the shelter to the Israeli military 17 times.


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Israel, Canada and struggles for decolonization

Photo: Kashfi Halford/flickr

It's the final week of our supporter drive and we need your help to sign up 30 more supporters! Please help support democratic movements by becoming a monthly supporter, or sharing this link with your friends and family:


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Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza. Photo: Emad Badwan/IPS
| March 8, 2013

Idle No More Day of Action Jan. 11

January 25, 2013
| We introduce INM resistance, dispute mainstream media bullshit and misrepresentation, give space to Chief Wallace Fox, report on prisoner solidarity actions and support from Palestine.
Length: 1:00:26 minutes (55.34 MB)

Free Palestine: Report back from the World Social Forum

In the aftermath of apartheid Israel's most recent attack on the people of Gaza, over 3000 delegates travelled to Porto Alegre, Brazil to participate in the World Social Forum - Free Palestine. From November 28 to December 1, 2012 this historic gathering brought together Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists from more than 35 countries to discuss, educate, strategize, mobilize and expand networks across organizations and global campaigns. A popular theme of the forum was building joint strategies for advancing the Palestinian-led movement for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS).


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