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Human rights protections raise new questions for freedom of speech

Photo: Alternative libertaire/flickr

David Bromwich, the incisive American scholar, says free speech has always been an aberration. What a daring thing to say about a basic right that elicits knee-jerk deference. It's a good thing he's free to say it. He claims it existed mainly in a small historical window between the rise of Puritanism and perhaps the Rushdie affair: about 400 years, and it's now in decline.

Free speech was always an arena for individuals; it's different from freedom of religion, which is about collectivities. You can have the latter without the former and you usually do. The case of whether Rev. Gretta Vosper can stay inside the United Church as an outspoken atheist is a good example.


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Andrew P.W. Bennett
| July 10, 2015

Time to repeal Canada's blasphemy law

Photo: David Becker/flickr

There is no God. All religions are false. The Bible is a fanciful document, written by people not inspired by any god. The Old Testament god is a bloodthirsty tyrant, and the Qur'an vilifies non-believers on almost every page. Jesus probably never existed, and even the historicity of Mohammed is questionable.


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Looks like fear and loathing in la belle province

Photo: Leila Marhsy
It's a long, straight line from Bill 101 to Bill 14 via the Charter of Values. At what point does a religious society start justifying human sacrifice to appease the gods? Just asking.

Related story:

Losing my religion in la belle province? Not likely.

Photo: Leila Marhsy

Living in fear and under constant threat. Isn't it fun? They thrive on it in America, depend upon it in North Korea and manufacture it out of whole cloth in Quebec. We used to have a garment industry here. It employed tens of thousands and nurtured a robust middle class. Now we just weave a paranoia, double the OQLF (Quebec Board of the French Language) budget every couple of years and cannibalize our own industries so a cocooned middle class can shop at the local unilingual Wal Mart. Welcome to l'abus provinciale.



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Guelph public meetings reveal xenophobic side of gurdwara opponents

As the fuss/tantrum/tumult over the Muslim community centre in south Manhattan, or "Ground Zero Mosque" to its opponents, continues, Guelph's Sikh community's recent attempt to build a new gurdwara has found strikingly similar opponents.

Significant numbers of the gurdwara's opponents' racist mentality and conflating tactics display significant parallels to the divisive rhetoric surrounding the Manhattan centre. There are distinct parallels in the mentality in which the arguments are forged and how the proponents are framed. Despite Canadian portrayals as more tolerant and without a War on Islam, sorry Terror, when it comes to Sikhism the same accusations and complaints are lodged.



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The marginalization of Muslims in America

Salman Hamdani died on Sept. 11, 2001. The 23-year-old research assistant at Rockefeller University had a degree in biochemistry. He was also a trained emergency medical technician and a cadet with the New York Police Department. But he never made it to work that day. Hamdani, a Muslim-American, was among that day's first responders. He raced to Ground Zero to save others. His selfless act cost him his life.


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About being offended


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