New report says climate change is worse than we thought
Even as president-elect Donald Trump appoints his climate change-denying senior advisers, scientists report that runaway climate change is already happening.
Is climate change as bad as we thought? It's worse.
Dianne Saxe, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO), has just released her 2016 climate report. Chapter 1 is a brilliant summary of the science behind climate change, with a focus on how it will impact Ontario. Saxe pulls no punches. Her report contains a graphic asking, "Is it as bad as we thought?" The answer: "It's worse."
For some time, there have been rumblings in the scientific community that politicians, the media and reports issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are understating the degree to which the Earth is in trouble from climate change.
One year after election, Trudeau still needs to turn environmental rhetoric into reality
Unless Trudeau's rhetoric turns into reality, the Liberals will usher in an era of record-breaking temperatures and extreme weather events that will make even last summer look mild.