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'Evicted' probes the multiple dimensions of the housing crisis

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

by Matthew Desmond
(Crown Publishers,

Once bursting with well-paying jobs in the brewing and manufacturing industries, Milwaukee, Wisconsin is now the second-poorest city in America. Over 170,000 people, including 41 per cent of the city's African-American and 32 per cent of the city's Hispanic residents, are living in poverty.

Between 2009 and 2011, one in eight Milwaukee residents were forced from their homes by eviction or foreclosure. Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City tells their stories. Written by Matthew Desmond, now a Harvard sociologist, the book follows eight families, Black and white, who struggle to keep a roof over their heads.



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Photo: PolicyFix blog
| November 24, 2015
Photo: Montréal 1958. Quartier Saint-Michel Est. Source: Philippe Du Berger/flic
| November 5, 2015

What's next in housing? Getting ready for the 2015 election

Toronto's housing crisis is well documented: the skyrocketing and prohibitive cost of rent, the lack of funding for repairs to community housing structures, and the growing wait list for affordable housing are just a few of the issues that have received media attention in the past year.


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Taking the fight for housing rights to court

Earlier this year, we considered the Ontario Superior Court's decision on the landmark Charter application regarding housing rights in Tanudjaja et al. v. the Attorney General (Canada) ("Tanudjaja").


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Does the right to housing belong in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

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| July 4, 2012
rabble.ca polls

Does the right to housing belong in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

This week, the Ontario Court of Appeal is hearing an appeal concerning the right to housing.

Does the right to housing belong in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms?


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