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A conversation on 'Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America'

February 15, 2017
| A new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber examines the increasing presence of Canadian mining companies in Latin America and the environmental and human rights abuses that occur as a result.
Length: 13:50 minutes (12.68 MB)

Not Rex: Farewell to Fidel Castro

History is not over, but a major player has passed on. Fidel Castro dedicated his life to fighting imperialism that reduced South American nations to banana republics run by U.S. corporations.

Farewell, Fidel.

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Mary Poppins and friends
| November 28, 2016
| November 7, 2016

As NATO war-mongering against Russia intensifies, Canada faces a difficult choice

Photo: Corporal Andy Reddy RLC/7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command/fli

No area of public policy is so shrouded in secrecy, obfuscation and outright deception than foreign policy. Most of the time it doesn't seem to matter much to the majority of voters who have more pressing things to worry about. But when Canadians read a headline that says "Russia mobilizing for war" one would hope they would take notice. A more absurd declaration is hard to imagine but there it was -- coming out of the offices of CSIS, the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. It was just the latest alarmist rhetoric in a steady stream of anti-Russian propaganda that coincided with the largest NATO military exercise -- dubbed Anaconda -- since the end of the Cold War.


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Exploding the myth of the peaceable kingdom

May 31, 2016
| The official story sees Canada as a shining beacon spreading its enlightened code of ethics through a dark world. Richard Sanders says we believe this because we're suffering from the Canada Syndrome.
Length: 30:18 minutes (27.75 MB)

From Cuba to Brussels, we need a uniform standard of justice

Photo: Maryland National Guard/flickr

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ISIS militants attacked a European city this week, setting off three bombs in Brussels that killed 31 and injured 260. In the United States, the response was immediate, first with the outpouring of support from the public, then, unsurprisingly, with a flurry of bellicose pronouncements from most of the remaining major-party presidential candidates.


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Photo: PROIIP Photo Archive/flickr
| March 22, 2016
Unnamed man with Sahrawi national flag
| February 23, 2016
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| January 14, 2016
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