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'Rise' series documents frontlines of Indigenous movements

Still from "Apache Stronghold. "Image credit: VICE

Rise is a fantastic new series by VICE and APTN that covers a resurgent Indigenous cultural urgency, filmed expertly by Toronto's Christopher Yapp and executive directed by the talented, award-winning Ontario filmmaker Michelle Latimer.

I was able to preview two episodes of the eight-part series (which debuts January 27 on VICELAND): "Apache Stronghold" (Arizona) and "Red Power" (North Dakota). If the rest of the series is just as powerful -- in storytelling, educational components and underlining human stakes -- I would highly recommend watching this series. 


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Photo: JMacPherson/flickr
| January 3, 2017

Water protectors celebrate a major victory at Standing Rock

Photo: Joe Brusky/flickr

The Dakota Access pipeline has been stopped, at least for now. The Standing Rock Sioux Nation and thousands of native and non-native allies won a remarkable and unexpected victory Sunday. Word came down that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had denied a permit for the pipeline owner, Energy Transfer Partners, to drill underneath the Missouri River, and that a full environmental-impact study would be launched. Grassroots organizing, nonviolent direct action and leadership from frontline Indigenous people succeeded in stopping the $3.8 billion, 1,200-mile pipeline in its tracks. As water protectors celebrated in the frozen camps, one question loomed: What will happen when Donald Trump takes over the presidency in six short weeks?


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From Toronto to Standing Rock: #NoDAPL

Carrie Lester, Mohawk Land Defender and Water Protector, expresses solidarity from Toronto to Standing Rock/Tkarónto to Oceti Sakowin: #NoDAPL, and sings a Water Song in their honour, at the Standing With Standing Rock, #NoDAPL Solidarity March on November 5, 2016.


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Kinder Morgan approval stirs feelings of betrayal in Canadians who voted for Trudeau

Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
Cynicism is part and parcel of the Liberal strategy to get elected at any cost -- but the disconnect between rhetoric and action is impossible to maintain for any length of time.

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Image: PMO/Adam Scotti
| November 29, 2016

Trudeau's Trumpishness bulldozes Indigenous rights

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Considering the sick political calculus that rules Ottawa's backrooms, it is not inconceivable that the bubbly was pouring in Liberal circles with the stateside election of Donald Trump. Indeed, after having enjoyed a year-long honeymoon as the anti-Harper, Trudeau and his aides likely saw this new development as a gift that extends the honeymoon under the guise of being the anti-Donald.


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Jackson Browne, Indigo Girls among musicians banding together against Dakota Access Pipeline

Photo: Louise Palanker/flickr

President Barack Obama foreshadowed more complications for the Dakota Access Pipeline this week, as he told an interviewer that "right now the Army Corps is examining whether there are ways to reroute this pipeline." With hundreds arrested in recent weeks at the Standoff at Standing Rock, North Dakota, the movement to halt construction of this 1,200-mile, $3.8-billion oil pipeline only builds. Musicians are increasingly joining the fray, striking an unexpected chord: pressuring oil billionaire Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, which owns the pipeline.


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Make Muskrat Right activists celebrate cautious victory

Photo by Ossie Michelin

Last Saturday afternoon, 60 people cut the lock to the gates of the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project work site, reported. The independent news site's editor, Justin Brake, closely documented protest activity at the site over the past week.



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Science is on the side of Muskrat Falls protesters

Photo by Ossie Michelin
Protesters at Muskrat Falls are demanding that Nalcor Energy clear away vegetation and the surface soil layer from the area to be flooded in order to reduce poisoning by methyl mercury.

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