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Image: Connor Tarter/flickr
| February 14, 2017
| February 7, 2017

'Rule of law' racism, C-51 and the coming resistance wave

Photo: Chris Yakimov/flickr

It's a sign of how utterly frightened they are of democracy when politicians and pundits start lecturing us about the "real" definition of civil disobedience. This usually happens during the sanitizing rituals of the January Martin Luther King Day holiday, when King's revolutionary calls to justice are erased in favour of saccharine, self-congratulatory events wholly unconnected to the civil rights movement's multiple, powerful legacies.

But public cautions around "acceptable" forms of dissent began hatching in late 2016 when the Trudeau government announced support for a slew of harmful pipelines that, along with other environmentally destructive projects like B.C.'s Site C and Muskrat Falls, will inspire increasing levels of direct action.


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WATCH: Art Manuel on the struggle for Indigenous rights and sovereignty

Arthur Manuel (1951 – January 11, 2017) was a First Nations political leader in Canada. He was four times elected chief (1995–2003) and three times elected chair of the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council (1997–2003). During this period, he served as spokesperson of the Interior Alliance of B.C. Indigenous nations and he was at the forefront of the Indigenous logging initiative. He also co-chaired the Assembly of First Nations Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee (DISC) that was mandated to develop a national strategy to compel the federal government to respect the historic Supreme Court decision on Aboriginal title and rights.


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Trudeau government woefully miscalculates support for Kinder Morgan pipeline

Photo: Kent Lins/flickr

Justin Trudeau should not expect to see a lot of $99 Liberal Party of Canada toques or $199 scarves being worn in metro Vancouver this winter.

Last week, the Trudeau government approved doubling the Kinder Morgan pipeline from Alberta. The Trans Mountain expansion proposes a 700 per cent increase in ocean tanker traffic through the port of Vancouver and an expanded diluted bitumen (dilbit) storage facility (tank farm) in the city of Burnaby, both in Tsleil-Waututh territory at Burrard Inlet.


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Nuu-chah-nulth people with dugout canoes on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
| November 30, 2016
Violence Against Women Painting
| November 24, 2016
Image: Flickr/Climate Alliance Org
| November 4, 2016

Democracy Now reporter arrested after covering the Dakota Access Pipeline

Photo of Amy Goodman by Aditya Ganapathiraju/flickr
Attempts to criminalize nonviolent land and water defenders, humiliate them and arrest journalists should not pave the way for the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline.

Related story:


Amy Goodman's arrest puts fierce spotlight on standoff at Standing Rock

Photo of Amy Goodman by Aditya Ganapathiraju/flickr

Monday was a cold, windy, autumnal day in North Dakota. We arrived outside the Morton County Courthouse in Mandan to produce a live broadcast of the Democracy Now! news hour. Originally, the location was dictated by the schedule imposed upon us by the local authorities; one of us (Amy) had been charged with criminal trespass for Democracy Now!'s reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline company's violent attack on Native Americans who were attempting to block the destruction of sacred sites, including ancestral burial grounds, just north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.


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