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From Toronto to Standing Rock: #NoDAPL

Carrie Lester, Mohawk Land Defender and Water Protector, expresses solidarity from Toronto to Standing Rock/Tkarónto to Oceti Sakowin: #NoDAPL, and sings a Water Song in their honour, at the Standing With Standing Rock, #NoDAPL Solidarity March on November 5, 2016.


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Talking Radical Radio

Settler solidarity against colonial urban development

August 3, 2016
| William Felepchuk and Brian McDougall talk about settler organizing in solidarity with Algonquin opposition to a condo development on a sacred site in Ottawa.
Length: 28:34 minutes (26.16 MB)
April 18, 2016 |
On April 9 Attawapiskat First Nation declared a state of emergency. A special sitting of the House of Commons was called but Trudeau just couldn't be pulled away from a Liberal buddy's book launch.
Talking Radical Radio

A new grassroots resource for settlers to learn about Canada's colonial present and past

August 12, 2015
| Monique Woroniak and Liz Carlson talk about a new website that supports settlers who are educating ourselves about Canada's deeply colonial reality.
Length: 28:35 minutes (26.18 MB)
| March 16, 2015
| February 13, 2015
Image: Flickr/westernnationalroundup
| January 30, 2015
| January 23, 2015
| January 7, 2015
| November 28, 2014
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