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Canadians at odds with their government on Israel

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

As the future of Israeli Jews and Palestinians spirals down into an inevitable and inexorable apartheid struggle, Canadians are being denied their fundamental right in a democracy. That is the right to an honest and frank debate about one of the most important issues faced by the international community -- the ongoing illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the brutal suppression of Palestinian human rights. 

It's not that Canadians don't care or don't try to inform themselves. It's that both the media and federal governments are loath to even talk about it. With these two institutions maintaining a steadfast silence there can be no genuine debate. And so we betray both Israelis and Palestinians by condemning them to a future of violence.


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Trudeau's pro-Israel stance offside with Canadians -- and hampers bid for UN seat

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Aiming to outshine the U.S. on the world stage isn't exactly setting the bar high these days. Outshining Norway and Ireland, however, might present a challenge.

And these two small countries are the main competitors if Justin Trudeau is to realize his dream of nabbing a seat for Canada on the United Nations Security Council.

For all the focus on surviving his meeting with Donald Trump this week, the real prize for Trudeau lies at the UN as he seeks to position himself, particularly in Canadian eyes, as a peacekeeping-loving, refugee-embracing, women-buttressing internationalist, leading a Canada that is "back" engaging with the world.


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| November 30, 2016

Women's Boat to Gaza reported attacked just miles from Gaza

The Zaytouna-Oliva. Image credit: Fotomovimiento/flickr

According to their website, Women's Boat to Gaza lost contact with the Zaytouna-Oliva minutes before 4 p.m. local time. It is now understood that Israeli Occupation Forces have surrounded the boat in international waters and forced it to a halt. On board are 13 women, including Mairead Maguire, the 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate from Northern Ireland, Fauziah Hasan, a doctor from Malaysia, and retired U.S. army colonel Ann Wright.

The Zaytounda-Oliva is one of two boats to leave Barcelona. The second boat, the Amal-Hope, had mechanical issues and had to be replaced. Because of the delay, Amal-Hope II, the boat replacing Amal-Hope, lost the small window of time needed to pick up a full crew. As a result, it was forced to remain in port in Messina, Sicily.



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Sailing thousands of miles to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza

Three women from the Women’s Boat to Gaza (L-R): Mairead Maguire, Renè Abu Joub

It is Day Six on the Women's Boat to Gaza's thousand-mile journey from Messina, Sicily to break the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. Sitting in the cockpit of our small sailboat are 13 women from 13 countries.

We have already covered another 700 miles in earlier parts of the journey to Gaza. We sailed with our first group of 13 women from Barcelona, Spain to Ajaccio, Corsica, France. The second group of 13 women sailed from Ajaccio, Corsica to Messina, Sicily, Italy. Among the participants were parliamentarians from Tunisia, Spain and Sweden and the European Parliament, notable members of the theatre and acting profession from Spain and the U.S., journalists from Spain and Israel, and activists from Canada and the U.S.



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Photo: flickr/ Garry Knight
| August 26, 2015

End the siege: Remembering the 2014 Gaza massacre

Image courtesy of Kathleen Copps

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On July 8, 2014, Israel launched Operation Protective Edge against a largely defenseless Gaza, resulting in the massacre of 2,200 people, mostly civilians, including 500 children. It was preceded by Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009 in which over 1,400 were killed, again largely civilians and Operation Pillar of Defense in which 167 were killed.



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Sailing again to break the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza

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I've just set foot on dry land after five days at sea on one of the four boats of Gaza Freedom Flotilla III.

The land I have set foot on is not Gaza, nor Israel, but Greece. Why Greece?



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| July 2, 2015

Watch: Robert Lovelace on colonialism in Canada and Israel

In this interview, Robert Lovelace speaks about the commonalities between the colonialism of Canada and Israel.

Lovelace is a member of the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation and he was a delegate on the Tahrir, (Freedom Flotilla II) and is presently a delegate on Freedom Flotilla III.

Lovelace and Kevin Neish, remain in custody after their ship, the Marianne de Goteborg was illegally seized by the Israeli navy early Monday morning, in international waters.


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