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Justin Trudeau
| January 30, 2017
Image: Flickr/Roland Tanglao
| January 27, 2017

Lies, truth and alternative facts: Trump's bad weekend

Photo: Stephen Melkisethian/flickr

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." --Samuel Adams, revolutionary (1722-1803)

"We shall overcomb" -- Women's March protest sign this past weekend

It is remarkable to me that in less than three days as President of the United States Donald Trump has managed to so exuberantly, beautifully and effortlessly alienate the press, bring a million or more women to the streets, leave himself and his closest aides open to exquisite satire and scare the shit out of sane people everywhere.


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| January 12, 2017

CJFE Publishes New Resource: Securing Your Digital Life

By Taryn Blanchard

Digital technologies have become extremely important to journalism work, but this also means there is a growing number of tools and platforms that can be used against journalists as means of surveillance, identification and harassment by states and non-state actors alike.

Protecting yourself no longer means just securing your physical safety; it must also include securing your digital safety. Any breaches to your online life put your physical life at risk.



The transformation of Canada's media landscape

December 24, 2016
| Ian Gill, a former editor at the Vancouver Sun, and Marc Edge, journalism educator and media critic, address the present and future state of Canadian media in talks recorded in Vancouver on Nov 29.
Length: 23:07 minutes (21.17 MB)
Green Majority Radio

The state of journalism

October 24, 2016
| Canadian journalist Mike De Souza works for the National Observer after spending years in the establishment media. Mike has recently published replies to attacks on his and N.O.'s credibility.
Length: 54:34 minutes (49.96 MB)

Fred Peabody on speaking truth to power, unplugging and pressure from below

October 11, 2016
| Peabody and I talk about his new film "All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception and the Spirit of I.F. Stone," speaking truth to power, unplugging from the mainstream and good journalism.
Length: 30:21 minutes (20.84 MB)

Adrian Sitaru on 'The Fixer,' journalism, abuse and human behaviour

September 25, 2016
| Sitaru's new film, which screened at TIFF, chronicles a Romanian journalist's moral quandary when a sex scandal gives him a chance at a big break.
Length: 31:28 minutes (21.61 MB)

Amy Goodman: Corporate media needs to be 'fourth estate' not 'for-the-state'

Poster image: White Pine Pictures

On September 10, 2016, Phillip Dwight Morgan sat down with Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh of Democracy Now! (DN!) at White Pine Studio in Toronto to discuss the current media landscape and the state of independent media.

Goodman and Sheikh were in Toronto for the world premier of All Governments Lie, a new documentary highlighting the legacy of renowned journalist I.F. Stone and role of free press in protecting democracy.


How did you get involved with this project and why is this an opportune time for people to be reminded of the legacy of I.F. Stone?



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