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Defeats of Andrew Puzder and Michael Flynn reveal power of grassroots movements

Photo: ResistFromDay1/flickr

"When the people lead, the leaders will follow" are the oft-quoted words attributed to Gandhi. This week, massive grassroots organizing helped defeat the nomination of Andrew Puzder, a multimillionaire fast-food CEO, as Donald Trump's secretary of labour. He was widely accused of running companies rife with wage theft and sexual harassment. His personal life was marred by accusations of hiring an undocumented immigrant, tax evasion and domestic violence. The push for his defeat was led by some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in our society, and serves as a lesson in the importance and power of movements.


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Bishop Fred Henry
| January 5, 2017
Photo: Bob Jagendorf/flickr
| August 3, 2016
Photo: M Richter/flickr
| July 13, 2016

France erupts in defiance of employer-friendly labour reforms

Photo: Nicolas Vigier/flickr

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France is continuously rocked by debates around the meaning of the Enlightenment ideals of liberty, equality and solidarity that predate the French Revolution.

Some important notions are widely shared. Most French citizens expect governments to meet the basic needs of all and promote individual expansion of talents and abilities.


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Tell Bangladesh to live up to its safety and worker rights promises

More than 1,100 workers died in Rana Plaza. Three years later, the government of Bangladesh has not made sufficient progress to ensure that nothing like this horrific tragedy happens again.  

According to a report by international labour organizations, "Far too much remains to be done by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and the garment industry, not only to ensure fire and building safety but to simply guarantee basic respect for the law -- including both national and international labour standards."

Some of the findings of the report are:


Photo: IIP Photo Archive/flickr
| December 2, 2015

Election 2015: Welcoming the last days of a tyrant

Photo: pmwebphotos/flickr

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The way things work in a subordinate capitalist society came to light in Hamilton last week. In an effort to bully its unionized workers, U.S. Steel revealed it was about to shift production from Canada to the United States, 75 cent Canadian dollar or not.


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Photo: Jeff M for Short/flickr
| June 10, 2015
Asia Pacific Currents

Fire at Kentex footware factory kills more than 70 workers

June 8, 2015
| Interview with Myles Quero from the KMU about the fire at the Kentex footwear factory where 72 workers were murdered.
Length: 29:58 minutes (27.44 MB)
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