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Lawsuits pile up as Kinder Morgan opponents prepare next pipeline battleground in the courts

Image: Facebook/Stop Kinder Morgan

While the provincial and federal governments may have announced their support for Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline, opponents are continuing to strengthen their fight against the project in court.



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TPP opens Canada up to lawsuits over public policy

June 27, 2016
| Canada is already the most sued developed country in the world. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will open Canada up to yet more lawsuits over its environmental and resource management policies.
Length: 15:59 minutes (14.65 MB)

Law firms behind growing number of lawsuits brought by corporations against countries

January 25, 2013
| A recent report says that a certain group of lawyers are drumming up business for their own firms by encouraging foreign investors to sue countries over changes in regulations.
Length: 18:39 minutes (17.09 MB)

What to do if someone SLAPPs you

There is a reason why Hollywood legal thrillers always cast the big company as the defendant and never the plaintiff in lawsuits: there is nothing romantic about being sued by a company with deep pockets. There are no opportunities to bang the table and demand the truth; no vindication through articulate and impassioned speeches to the court; and most importantly for an activist, no chance of a victory on the substantive issue that instigated the lawsuit in the first place. In most cases, victory for a defendant in a strategic lawsuit against public participation (or a "SLAPP" as they are commonly known) is pyrrhic: a no cost settlement that leaves you no further ahead and much poorer than when you began.


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public health care under attack in BC

I'm putting this in national news because it has country-wide implications. The BC government is being sued by a group of private health care clinics, led of course, by the infamous Dr. Brian Day. Apparently, the clinics have been receiving "threatening letters" from the government. The only story I could find is from the Times Colonist from Victoria. The clinics are suing to have the 2005 Supreme Court decision on Quebec apply to BC.


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