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A conversation on 'Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America'

February 15, 2017
| A new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber examines the increasing presence of Canadian mining companies in Latin America and the environmental and human rights abuses that occur as a result.
Length: 13:50 minutes (12.68 MB)
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Blood of Extraction: Canadian Imperialism in Latin America

January 19, 2017
| Canadian mining interests in Latin America often claim that they are providing jobs and investing in the local community. But a new book by Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber shows otherwise.
Length: 27:35 minutes (28.78 MB)

Interview: Journalist finds shocking degradation and human rights abuses in Canada's mining industry

 Santa Rita Mountains. Flickr/Mike Chapman
Interview with John Dougherty, an investigative filmmaker whose documentary Flin Flon Flim Flam delves into the growing opposition to mines due to human rights abuses.

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CIDA funds used to promote Canadian mining interests overseas

December 3, 2016
| Yves Engler says the Canadian International Development Agency has been using public money to assist Canadian mining interests in Africa and Latin America. Yves Engler is author of Canada in Africa.
Length: 15:11 minutes (13.9 MB)

Investigative journalist finds growing opposition to Hudbay mining projects

When award-winning journalist and filmmaker John Dougherty discovered that a copper mine was planned right in the middle of a sensitive biodiverse ecosystem in southeast Arizona, he wanted to know who owned the project and what their track record was like.

His research led him to Flin Flon Manitoba and a Toronto-based company called Hudbay Minerals. What Dougherty discovered was a shocking record of environmental degradation and human rights abuses. The following is an edited excerpt from’s recent conversation with him.

What really got you interested in creating this film?



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Image: PMO/Adam ScottiImage: PMO/Adam Scotti
| November 3, 2016

MiningWatch takes B.C. government to court over Mount Polley disaster

October 25, 2016
| The failure of the dam on the Mount Polley tailings pond led to one of the largest environmental disasters in B.C.'s history.
Length: 12:50 minutes (11.75 MB)

Eritreans accuse Canadian company of forced labour in mine

October 19, 2016
| B.C. Supreme Court is allowing three Eritrean refugees to proceed with a civil lawsuit against the Canadian mining company Nevsun, which they say knowingly used forced labour in its operations.
Length: 14:56 minutes (13.68 MB)
Tabakoto North Underground Gold Mine - Mali, West Africa
| September 28, 2016

'Streaming' puts pressure on mining companies -- and workers bear the consequences

Image: Flickr/Gord McKenna
"Payday loans of the mining industry" are introducing a new, intense pressure on an industry already reviled for Indigenous land theft, dangerous working conditions and environmental infractions.

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