MontrealSyndicate content

| February 8, 2017

15 temporary foreign workers were defrauded and arrested when they fought back

The Immigrant Worker Centre (IWC-CTI) in Montreal is working with a group of temporary foreign workers who were victims of wage theft.   Their employer was deducting money from their salaries stating that he was paying himself back the recruitment fees and other fees related to their applications for new work permits.  When they fought back, they spent up to three weeks in detention while the recruiter walked free.


Brian Jean
| August 29, 2016
| August 12, 2016

Solidarity Across Borders stages airport action, demands end to deportations

Photo by Ion Etxebarria, Concordia University Television (CUTV)

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On Saturday, June 4, Solidarity Across Borders organized an action at Montreal's Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport to demand permanent legal status for all migrants, an end to deportations of migrants, and open borders. Solidarity Across Borders is calling the event "Borders are Bonkers."



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Attack on Canada's only surgery clinic for trans people elicits 'zero reaction'

Screenshot: Google maps

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On the evening of Monday May 2, Canada's only sex reassignment surgery clinic was subject to an arson attack. A man, armed with a machete, axe and gas can, set fire to the operating room.



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May Day 2016: Support protesters in Montreal

Montreal May Day

In 2015, police arrested 87 people, teargassed protestors and, punched Xavier Amodeo repeatedly while arresting him. Unsurprisingly, an internal police body decided against investigating the rough arrest and police actions.


| April 28, 2016
Image: Twitter/@crihsshirc
| April 6, 2016
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