New Democratic PartySyndicate content

Elizabeth May
| February 2, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| January 2, 2017
Rachel Notley
| December 27, 2016
Ed Stelmach
| December 21, 2016
| October 14, 2016
NDP MLA-elect, Lisa Roberts
| September 1, 2016

The time is right for the NDP to return to its socialist roots

Photo: United Steelworkers/flickr

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There's been a strange summer-long silence from the NDP. Last week, after the near terror event in Strathroy, they should have been vocal on Bill C-51, the terror bill. The Liberals looked paralyzed and the Tories had their hard line. The NDP should own this, it was their only winner last election. But they went quiet. Then there's the strange case of their leadership race. What leadership race?


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Stephen Harper
| July 11, 2016
Justin Trudeau
| June 13, 2016
Photo: Government of Alberta/flickr
| April 20, 2016
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