Oil and GasSyndicate content

Who will continue to research bribery and corruption in global oil and gas dealings?

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The Trump Administration has vowed to dismantle many of the environmental protections that we fought hard to win.  In fact on the same day as Rex Tillerson was confirmed as Secretary of State, the House of Commons voted to overturn a rule that requires require publicly traded oil, gas, and mining companies to disclose any payments that they made to foreign governments, including taxes and royalties.  


| February 1, 2017
Photo: Mike Beauregard/flickr
| August 16, 2016
caribou antlers in the snow
| August 2, 2016
| July 20, 2016
The leaking Aliso Canyon well pad in Los Angeles County on December 17, 2015.
| January 18, 2016

Harper government spent millions on overseas tar sands advocacy

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How much money has the federal government spent on lobbying on behalf of the oil industry? About $4.5 million. 

A Greenpeace Canada freedom of information request has revealed that Natural Resources Canada holds a $4.5-million fund for international and domestic "outreach activities" for the tar sands.



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| July 31, 2015

More action needed from Canada's premiers on climate change

Photo: flickr/Climate change, agriculture, and food security

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Canada's premiers agreed to a master energy and climate change plan July 17. It's specific on fast-tracking pipelines, but “aspirational” on climate action.

No wonder. Building more pipelines to export oilsands oil will gut any serious plans to cut greenhouse gases.



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The rise of extreme energy

July 13, 2015
| Fossil fuels are now being extracted with more unconventional and more dangerous techniques. A new film looks at the rise of extreme energy and envisages the path towards a post-growth economy.
Length: 16:49 minutes (15.4 MB)
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