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Green Majority Radio

How to resist Trump(ism)

January 23, 2017
| We discuss ideas for how to resist the incoming Trump inauguration. Stefan shares some ideas sent in to us by listeners. Daryn also suggests some tempting options that you should absolutely NOT do.
Length: 58:32 minutes (53.59 MB)
April 29, 2016 |
Since spring of this year a small band of oil sands workers have come together to fight against the growing layoffs in the tar sands and to fight for a greener future.
Image: Flickr/Gerry Lauzon
| January 25, 2016

After the sands: Demand less

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rabble.ca has been presenting exclusive excerpts of Gordon Laxer's latest book this week. Laxer's book sets out just what Canada's political parties have not done, despite the fact that they're all on the campaign trail: a plan to transition Canada to a low-carbon society.



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Photo: Steven Storm/flickr
| July 28, 2015
Photo: GovNL Photos/flickr
| July 21, 2015
| June 30, 2015
Photo: ashley.adcox/flickr
| June 16, 2015
| April 22, 2015
| February 8, 2015
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