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Talking Radical Radio

LGBTQ+ organizing against racism and pinkwashing in Nova Scotia

November 2, 2016
| Ardath Whynacht and Dee Morse talk about the work of the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project.
Length: 28:39 minutes (26.24 MB)

Before, during, after Pride: Sikhs in solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Photo by Rupi Kaur

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Let's be clear: questioning the "appropriateness" of Black Lives Matter Toronto's action at pride, weighing in on their  "strategy" or claiming they "hijacked" Pride is racist. The notion that Black Lives Matter Toronto (BLMTO) is self-serving is also racist. More than that, it's just plain wrong.



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| April 10, 2015
The F Word

Disability justice performance project Sins Invalid

August 23, 2014
| The F Word speaks to Patricia Berne, member of the disability justice performance project, Sins Invalid, about the connections between disability justice, Israeli occupation and pinkwashing.
Length: 28:34 minutes (32.7 MB)


One in nine women in Canada will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. 

This is part of the reason why so many people and activists take the issue of "pinkwashing" very personally. Monetizing and sexualizing breast cancer is a disgusting practice that takes away agency from survivors and their families. When corporations use breast cancer as a catchy "theme" or splash around the pink ribbon to bring home enormous profits and paycheques, activists need to fight back. It's obvious there's a major problem when consumerism and advertising and making money are emphasized above the struggles, and successes of women living with the realities of breast cancer.  


| October 25, 2012
The F Word

Pink think: Pinkwashing and breast cancer awareness campaigns

November 11, 2010
| The F Word takes a look at the problematic trend of “Pinkwashing” and breast cancer awareness campaigns. Featuring an interview by Meghan Murphy with Breast Cancer Action’s Program Manager, Kim Irish.
Length: 38:49
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