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Trudeau's Trumpishness bulldozes Indigenous rights

PMO Photo by Adam Scotti

Considering the sick political calculus that rules Ottawa's backrooms, it is not inconceivable that the bubbly was pouring in Liberal circles with the stateside election of Donald Trump. Indeed, after having enjoyed a year-long honeymoon as the anti-Harper, Trudeau and his aides likely saw this new development as a gift that extends the honeymoon under the guise of being the anti-Donald.


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| November 20, 2016
| November 3, 2016
| October 24, 2016

The name has changed but racial profiling remains under Liberal government

Photo: waferboard/flickr

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Amid several new programs targeting the middle class and infrastructure funds, the Liberal government's first budget also dedicated some money to tackling what they called "counter-radicalization." These tasks will be conducted by the Co-ordinator of the Office of Community Outreach and Counter-Radicalization. For this, the office will receive $3 million this year and up to $10 million in coming years.


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Photo: Flickr/Mark Klotz
| February 19, 2015

The DDR and The Stasi

Stasi Emblem

Following the Second World War Germany’s borders were redrawn and the country was divided into administrative sectors.  What became the Federal Republic of Germany (or West Germany) was administered by the United States, The United Kingdom, and France. What was to become the German Democratic Republic (Or East Germany aka DDR) was administered by the USSR.  With those two spheres of influence in place the pattern for the rebuilding Germany was dictated by the political desires of the occupying nations. In the West that meant capitalism and a federalist form of representative democracy and in the east, a Stalinist state with a centrally planned economy.



Photo: Donna Burton/CBP Photography/Flickr
| December 13, 2012

U.S. surveillance and the National Security Agency

NSA Eagle. Photo: ElectronicFrontierFoundation/Flickr

Three targeted Americans: A career government intelligence official, a filmmaker and a hacker. None of these U.S. citizens was charged with a crime, but they have been tracked, surveilled, detained -- sometimes at gunpoint -- and interrogated, with no access to a lawyer. Each remains resolute in standing up to the increasing government crackdown on dissent.


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