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Image: Ludovic Bertron
| October 8, 2016

Pride march for queer people of colour creates critical space for healing

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On August 1, nearly 200 people gathered at Victory Square in Vancouver for the Two Spirited Queers, Trans, Intersexed, and Bisexual People of Colour Pride March.



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Image: YouTube/Track Two -- Enough is Enough (Documentary on 1981 Bath house rai
| July 13, 2016
Image: Flickr/OFL Communications Department
| July 12, 2016
Image: Flickr/Can Pac Swire
| July 8, 2016
| July 4, 2016

Phobias, mental health and pride: A QPOC perspective

Photo: flickr/Michael Kazarnowicz

It has been just over two weeks since I woke up to a friend informing me that "there was a big shooting in Orlando." I was instantly filled with anxiety as I turned over in my bed and reluctantly responded, "Oh no. I really hope it wasn't my people."

I could already locate in my body a well-known heaviness that precedes the media wave of causal inquiry that consistently lands in the same place, laced with its own violent punches and cheers from its fixated audience.

I knew that within hours the media would begin making connections between Islam and terrorism in ways that implicate all Muslims as a matter of course.

With this knowledge, I deliberately postponed looking at anything on social media for an entire morning.



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Book: The Tolerance Trap

July 18, 2014
| Suzanna Danuta Walters argues that the movement for LGBT rights has settled for a watered-down tolerance of sexual and gender difference rather than true equality and human rights for all.
Length: 19:12 minutes (17.58 MB)
| June 27, 2014

Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow's World Pride party helps kick off Pride week

Photo: MItchel Raphael

Mayoral candidate Olivia Chow's World Pride Party packed Toronto's premier gay bar Woody's this week-end.

The lineup was over an hour long for two sensational shows starring Mahogany Browne, Sapphire Titha-Reign, Allysin Chaynes, Slimthick Monroe, Mila Veu, Natalia Haute-Mez and Brendan Lewis.  Former Ontario Deputy Premier George Smitherman was the special guest and rallied Chow supporters.

One of the drag queens, Natalia, did Kylie Minogue's Locomotion with a cute transit costume that said: "Olivia Chow: A Real Transit Plan" only to be a greeted by a giant "John Tory Transit Flip-Flop."



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