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January 17, 2017 |
It’s time to take action! Send a message to your elected representatives to demand a national framework for early learning and child care that is universal and affordable for all.
August 24, 2016 |
After months of stalling, Minister Judy Foote finally met with union leadership to discuss the ongoing problems with the Phoenix pay system.
August 18, 2016 |
An appeal court ruled against federal public service workers who assert that Bill C-10 violates federal public service workers' right to freedom of association and to collectively bargain.

National Aboriginal Day: Building bonds between Indigenous communities and the labour movement

Photo: flickr/Enrico Petrarolo

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Forging a better understanding of the labour movement among Indigenous communities will likely be a lifetime mandate for Michael Desautels. 

The proud Métis Nation member, who has Ojibway heritage and hails from Red River, Manitoba, has helped organize thousands of workers as the Indigenous and Human Rights officer for the Public Service Alliance of Canada -- a post he has held for eight years.



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June 3, 2016 |
People with MCS can suffer debilitating physical symptoms when exposed to chemicals in the environment. It is an often misunderstood medical condition and workers who have it suffer tremendously.
May 11, 2016 |
The efforts of the Alberta government, coupled with the tireless dedication of thousands of volunteers from all sectors of society, has made this relief effort an example for all Canadian society.
May 5, 2016 |
PSAC was founded in 1966 -- celebrate the achievements over 50 years of collective bargaining, organizing, and fighting for social change.
March 29, 2016 |
Budget 2016 could create the conditions for more privatization, outsourcing and centralization in the federal public service and PSAC will be monitoring the government's actions closely.

No progress made on public sector bargaining as Liberals ape Conservatives' stance

Photo: flickr/ Michael Lokner

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Canada's largest public service union is warning of another era of emaciated civil service systems following a second round of unsuccessful contract negotiations under the Liberal government.

Five bargaining units from the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), representing nearly 100,000 civil servants, met with teams from the Treasury Board in Ottawa last week to discuss new contracts.



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Public sector bargaining: The new boss looks a lot like the old boss

Photo: flickr/ Canada 2020

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