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Holding the Liberal government accountable

The Liberal government won its majority by making a lot of promises.  There is a call to hold the Liberals to these promises.  Two promsing initiatives promise to do just that:

1) Trudeaumetre.ca: This is an initiative by a group of people from Alberta which currently details the promises made in the Liberal platform and promises to track the progress made on actually fulfilling these promises.


rabble radio

Episode 166: Happy 10th birthday, rabble podcast network!

June 29, 2015
| It's our 10th birthday this year. A look back, a look forward.
Length: 39:37 minutes (90.68 MB)
| January 29, 2015
Needs No Introduction

Peoples' Social Forum: Media and Movements

November 17, 2014
| Today's Needs No Introduction focuses on independent media, featuring a panel discussion sponsored by rabble.ca at the Peoples' Social Forum.
Length: 47:51 minutes (43.82 MB)

It's our birthday! Happy April 18th everybody.

Happy 13th birthday to us! Imagine: 13 years ago on the Internet, as rabble.ca was gaining its first pageviews, so too were Google and Wikipedia -- both launched the same year.

Related rabble.ca story:

| April 17, 2014
| February 14, 2014
| February 5, 2014
| January 8, 2014
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