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Not Rex: The coming dark age of Trump

Not Rex delivers an alternative poem in the epic style on the coming dark age of Trump.


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U.S. Senate should reject Jeff Sessions again, 30 years later

Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr

The arc of U.S. history is on full display as the peaceful transition of power takes place from the administration of President Barack Obama to that of incoming president-elect Donald Trump. The first African-American president is about to hand the reins of power to the very man who led the racist "birther" campaign to delegitimize his presidency. As Trump continues to shock the world with his middle-of-the-night tweets, the flurry of Senate confirmation hearings exposed the hollow rhetoric of Trump's pledge to "drain the swamp." Among the controversial and divisive cabinet nominees is his pick for attorney general: Jeff Sessions, the junior senator from Alabama.


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North Carolina Republicans provoke political firestorm with attacks on democracy

Photo: twbuckner/Wikimedia Commons

North Carolina Republicans have provoked a political firestorm. First, Gov. Pat McCrory refused to concede his loss for close to a month. Then, under the guise of providing Hurricane Matthew relief money, they convened several back-to-back special sessions, all geared at stripping power from Democratic Gov.-elect Roy Cooper before he takes office. The North Carolina General Assembly has seen mass protests and civil disobedience in defiance of the assembly's middle-of-the-night proceedings. Whereas President Barack Obama is honouring the tradition of the peaceful transfer of power, a fundamental pillar of American democracy, North Carolina Republicans are taking a different path.


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Photo: ser_is_snarkish/flickr
| December 14, 2016

Trump likely to turn peaceful Black protests into race war

Photo: Tony Webster/flickr

I guess we should be glad that no member of the Trump family or transition team actually attended the white supremacist event in Washington last weekend where Trump's victory was celebrated with Nazi salutes.

For those looking for good news in the face of Donald Trump's presidential victory, these are the sort of slim pickings on offer.

The post-election reality -- in which such a gathering was openly held in the Ronald Reagan Building a few blocks from the White House -- suggests America's darkest tendencies have been given the equivalent of a hot massage.


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Photo: Ted Drake/flickr
| November 23, 2016

'Evicted' probes the multiple dimensions of the housing crisis

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

by Matthew Desmond
(Crown Publishers,

Once bursting with well-paying jobs in the brewing and manufacturing industries, Milwaukee, Wisconsin is now the second-poorest city in America. Over 170,000 people, including 41 per cent of the city's African-American and 32 per cent of the city's Hispanic residents, are living in poverty.

Between 2009 and 2011, one in eight Milwaukee residents were forced from their homes by eviction or foreclosure. Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City tells their stories. Written by Matthew Desmond, now a Harvard sociologist, the book follows eight families, Black and white, who struggle to keep a roof over their heads.



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Photo via Lindell Smith campaign website
| October 26, 2016
Photo: murray/flickr
| August 31, 2016

Welcome to the Republican National Convention, where guns are acceptable but tennis balls are not

Photo: Disney | ABC Television Group/flickr

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