Ralph GoodaleSyndicate content

Image: Art Babych. Used with permission.
| January 15, 2017
| November 17, 2016

Detained migrants hold third hunger strike against Canada's system of indefinite detention

Image: Ello/@MrKeating
Minister Ralph Goodale has shown no sign of turning his promised reforms into action -- leading detainees to the third hunger strike this year and second in less than four months.

Related rabble.ca story:

Third hunger strike this year highlights despair of Canada's detained migrants

Image: Ello/@MrKeating

On October 17, 17 immigration detainees at Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay, Ontario began refusing food, just two months after nearly 60 immigration detainees in two Ontario facilities ended a 19-day hunger strike protesting the indefinite detention of migrants.

The hunger strike is the third of its kind this year, and detainees' demands remain unchanged: an end to indefinite detention of migrants with a 90-day limit on detentions as an interim measure.



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| September 16, 2016
| September 14, 2016
| September 13, 2016

Goodale invests $138 million to upgrade indefinite detention, not reform it

Photo: flickr/Don Sniegowski

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On Monday, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale announced the federal government would be pouring $138 million into upgrading immigration detention facilities across Canada. Two detention centres, in Quebec and British Columbia, will also be replaced.



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Hunger strike continues as Goodale refuses to meet with immigration detainees

Photo: flickr/Christopher Sessums

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Update: On Thursday, Ralph Goodale met with Regina-based group Colonialism No More, who have been camping outside of the Regina INAC office for over 100 days, to discuss a variety of issues including the hunger strike by immigration detainees in Ontario.



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Immigration detainees on hunger strike demand meeting public safety minister

Photo: flickr/DonkeyHotey

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Sixty-eight immigration detainees in two maximum security prisons in Ontario -- Toronto East Detention Centre in Scarborough and Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay -- began a hunger strike on Monday to demand an end to indefinite detentions in maximum security prisons.

The immigration detainees, all racialized and undocumented men, will not end their hunger strike until they are able to meet with Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale.



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