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Adam Gaudry, Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta
| January 19, 2017

Ryan McMahon on 'Colonization Road' and other stories

December 5, 2016
| We spoke with Anishinaabe comedian and media-maker Ryan McMahon when he was in Vancouver for Media Democracy Days.
Length: 17:11 minutes (15.73 MB)
Flickr/Peg Hunter
| November 7, 2016
| July 1, 2016

'Collaborative consent' or Indigenous rights: Condo development on Ottawa sacred site

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| June 13, 2016
Image: Flickr/z Q
| March 18, 2016

Reconciling Canada: Hard truths, big opportunity

Photo: Twitter @liberal_party

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Keep Karl on Parl

Yesterday the Commissioners of the Truth and Reconciliation released their final report. Six years. Seven volumes. Thousands of pages. 

Tens of thousands of tears.



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Here's how you can help your church educate about its role in residential schools

rabble is expanding our Parliamentary Bureau and we need your help! Support us on Patreon today!

Keep Karl on Parl

This holiday season rabble has partnered with Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto to launch a campaign urging Canadians to take up implementing the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation commission as a new year's resolution for 2016. Here's how.



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| November 10, 2015
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