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Dear beloved resistance: We are stronger together

Photo: mathiaswasik/flickr

Dear beloved resistance,

We now have a President and Cabinet who almost certainly have no interest in the safety or well-being of their people. Many of us marched in the streets last weekend in an awesome show of solidarity against Trump and all that he promises and stands for. It was, by several accounts, the largest global protest in history.



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Photo: PASCAL.VANDON/flickr
| December 23, 2016

Congo Week organizer calls on Canadians to show solidarity

October 28, 2016
| Canadian mining companies have $3 billion in assets in Congo. Maurice Carney says this means Canadians have a unique opportunity to support the nascent democracy movement there.
Length: 24:12 minutes (22.16 MB)
| October 15, 2016
Asia Pacific Currents

The ongoing crisis for the uprising in Syria and solidarity

August 29, 2016
| Labour updates from the Asia Pacific region and interview with Syrian activist on the ongoing crisis in Syria.
Length: 28:48 minutes (13.18 MB)
| July 15, 2016
Image: Twitter/@MarcJacobs
| June 13, 2016
May 5, 2016 |
PSAC was founded in 1966 -- celebrate the achievements over 50 years of collective bargaining, organizing, and fighting for social change.
Asia Pacific Currents

The Rana Plaza collapse : Three years on and still no justice for murdered workers

April 22, 2016
| Three years on from the Rana Plaza collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh, there is still no justice for workers. Also, regional labour updates
Length: 29:24 minutes (13.46 MB)

Black Lives Matter Vancouver chapter organizes in solidarity with Toronto

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For 15 days, the Black Lives Matter Toronto chapter camped outside the Toronto police headquarters, demonstrating against systematic anti-Black racism and demanding an inquest to the death of Andrew Loku at the hands of police.



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