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Image: PMO by Adam Scotti
| June 10, 2016
Alberta & The Leap Manifesto
| April 15, 2016
Photo: Chris Schwarz/Premier of Alberta/flickr
| April 13, 2016

Watch: Stephen Lewis addresses the 2016 NDP convention

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Stephen Lewis delivered a rousing speech at the 2016 NDP convention. Watch it in full here.


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Thomas Mulcair
| April 11, 2016
rabble radio special

The Leap Manifesto, preparing for election day: Election SoundUp #3

September 18, 2015
| And we're cruising into the end of week 6 of the 2015 federal election. Just a bit more than four weeks to go before we have a conclusion to this long wrangle.
Length: 16:56 minutes (15.37 MB)

Watch the launch of The Leap Manifesto

September 15, 2015, a group of prominent Canadians launched a manifesto outlining a bold climate and economic vision. We at are happy to have livestreamed the press conference to announce the Leap Manifesto: A Call for a Canada Based on Caring for the Earth and One Another. It has been translated into eight languages, including Cree and Inuktitut. The aim is to gather tens of thousands of signatures and build pressure on the next federal government to transition Canada off fossil fuels while also making it a more livable, fair and just society.


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Watch LIVE Tuesday: Prominent Canadians launch manifesto outlining bold climate and economic vision for country

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