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Fort Mac Fire
| February 7, 2017
Jason Kenney
| October 24, 2016
| September 13, 2016
July 19, 2016 |
Joseph Wilson reported improper procurement practices at the Atomic Energy of Canada and was fired from his job. He ended up at the Supreme Court and struck a blow for workers' rights everywhere.
June 8, 2016 |
Canadian doctors are now free from criminal prosecution if they assist patients in ending their lives, following the federal government's failure to pass legislation by a June 6 deadline.
Frank Iacobucci
| April 5, 2016
January 15, 2016 |
The Supreme Court of Canada is hearing a case that could make it easier for women who contract breast cancer on the job to receive Workers Compensation benefits.

Sophie Harkat's husband Mohamed is being deported. Here's what she has to say.

Image: Justice for Mohamed Harkat facebook group

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Stephen Harper
| October 1, 2015
The Supreme Court of Canada
| September 26, 2015
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