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| January 14, 2017

CJFE Publishes New Resource: Securing Your Digital Life

By Taryn Blanchard

Digital technologies have become extremely important to journalism work, but this also means there is a growing number of tools and platforms that can be used against journalists as means of surveillance, identification and harassment by states and non-state actors alike.

Protecting yourself no longer means just securing your physical safety; it must also include securing your digital safety. Any breaches to your online life put your physical life at risk.



Sweeping new surveillance legislation in U.K. could affect Canadians

December 2, 2016
| The Investigatory Power Bill in Britain legalizes a range of tools for hacking and snooping unmatched anywhere in Europe. Once the bill becomes law, the pressure will be on Canada to harmonize.
Length: 15:10 minutes (13.89 MB)
Source: Twitter @abuJayyid1
| November 24, 2016
| November 17, 2016
Image: Flickr/blogocram
| November 4, 2016
Image: Pixabay
| November 2, 2016
| November 1, 2016
| October 16, 2016
Image: Flickr/Blue Coat Photos and
| September 28, 2016
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