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Green Majority Radio

How to resist Trump(ism)

January 23, 2017
| We discuss ideas for how to resist the incoming Trump inauguration. Stefan shares some ideas sent in to us by listeners. Daryn also suggests some tempting options that you should absolutely NOT do.
Length: 58:32 minutes (53.59 MB)
Talking Radical Radio

Using film to challenge the dubious economics of tar sands and fracking

November 16, 2016
| David Lavallee talks about his new documentary film, "To the Ends of the Earth."
Length: 28:42 minutes (26.28 MB)
Talking Radical Radio

Ecojustice: Using law to defend the environment

October 26, 2016
| Lawyers Dyna Tuytel and Barry Robinson of Ecojustice talk about their work on behalf of environmental organizations.
Length: 28:37 minutes (26.2 MB)
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| July 27, 2016
Tzeporah Berman
| July 18, 2016
Image: Flickr/Premier of Alberta
| June 7, 2016

Fort McMurray residents rally together as families, workers return to 'devastated' city

Photo: flickr/Premier of Alberta

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Heavy equipment mechanic and former miner Ken Smith was among the thousands of Fort McMurray residents back in the fire-ravaged city this week.

Smith, president of Unifor local 707A, represents 3,400 Suncor Energy employees who work at facilities just north of Fort McMurray.



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Disobedience: A film about the struggle to prevent climate catastrophe

May 9, 2016
| A new film by Kelly Nyks, director of Requiem for the American Dream, tells the story of four communities preparing for Break Free from Fossil Fuels actions in May 2016.
Length: 22:36 minutes (20.7 MB)

Suncor Energy ceases operations due to Fort McMurray fires

Photo credit: Dusty Lane Photography

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Alberta's wildfire has forced several Canadian oil and energy companies to scale back operations in and near Fort McMurray.

Suncor Energy, one of the affected companies, announced Wednesday its base plant -- located 25 km north of Fort McMurray -- had ceased operations due to safety concerns for employees. 



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April 29, 2016 |
Since spring of this year a small band of oil sands workers have come together to fight against the growing layoffs in the tar sands and to fight for a greener future.
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