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U.K. employment tribunal rules in favour of Uber drivers

November 22, 2016
| A panel of judges in the U.K. say Uber has to pay its drivers a national living wage and give them holiday pay, in their ruling on a case brought by two Uber drivers in London.
Length: 13:16 minutes (12.16 MB)
 (University of Toronto/Mark Neil Balson)
| November 1, 2016

Apple, the iPhone and the case of the missing headphone jack

Photo: flickr/Paul Hudson

To say that there has been a great hue and cry about Apple removing the headphone jack from its newest iPhones would be like saying k.d. lang can carry a tune.

The gnashing of teeth could be heard across Twitter, Facebook and reddit. The general consensus seems to be that Apple was arrogant, stupid, elitist and greedy to get rid of a port that has been a staple in audio equipment for a century.

In the headphone jack's stead, for those who don't know, Apple has opted for going wireless or, in a pinch, using the Lightning port has been employed mostly for charging iDevices.


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Steampunk celebrates the beauty and promise of early technology

Image: June Yarham/flickr

Imagine a world in which the Hindenburg Zeppelin had not become an inferno on landing. A world in which the transistor had never been invented. Where the airplanes that grew out of the First and Second World Wars had never been developed. A world where the steampower, clockwork and the fanciful electrical energy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the wilder inventions of Nikola Tesla were the primary power sources for airships, automatons, clanking vehicles and brass prosthetics and crackpot inventions.


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Green Majority Radio

We're learning from our past environmental failures ... we think

May 17, 2016
| On this show: Christy Clark's comments,'s "Break Free From Fossil Fuels," and we ask if the environmental movement is learning from its past failures.
Length: 54:07 minutes (61.94 MB)
Image: Valeri Pizhanski/flickr
| May 10, 2016

John Nichols on the perils and opportunities of the next technological revolution

May 2, 2016
| John Nichols is the Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine. He's the author, with Robert McChesney, of People Get Ready: The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy.
Length: 14:17 minutes (13.09 MB)

Robert McChesney on the fight against a jobless economy

May 2, 2016
| Robert McChesney says a technological revolution in artificial intelligence is around the corner and we need to get ready to fight to expand democracy and ensure everyone benefits from the changes.
Length: 18:31 minutes (16.96 MB)

What's yours is mine: Against the sharing economy

April 29, 2016
| In his recent book, Tom Slee delivers a sharp critique of technology companies like Airbnb and Uber, arguing that these businesses damage rather than serve the interests of communities.
Length: 24:18 minutes (22.26 MB)
Needs No Introduction

Who will win the digital revolution?

April 21, 2016
| A talk by Robert McChesney and John Nichols based on their book "People Get Ready - The Fight Against the Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy."
Length: 1:07:12 minutes (64.14 MB)
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