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The social media fight against Trump is a modern battle of the presses

Photo: nevermindtheend/flickr

At first glance there would seem to be little that would connect Donald Trump with Martin Luther, but stick with me here.

In 1517 Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Theses. This document railed against Papal indulgences, which the faithful could buy as a sort of "Get Out of Jail Free" card for sin.

The later Reformation also held that Christian scripture is the only source of the rules for worship. There was no need for priests to get in the way. This, of course, went over in Rome like a fart in a spacesuit. 


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| June 26, 2016
| May 26, 2016
Photo: David Coombs
| April 7, 2016
Image: Flickr/United Church
| March 28, 2016

Tweeting to excess: The trial coverage of #bosma and #ghomeshi

Photo: Maryland GovPics/flickr

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Over the past week or so I've been following the coverage of the Tim Bosma murder trial on social media. Well, specifically, on Twitter. 

For those of you who don't know, Dellen Millard, 30, and Mark Smich, 28, are charged with first-degree murder in the death of Bosma, a 32-year-old father who lived in Ancaster, Ontario. Both have pleaded not guilty. 


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| January 23, 2016

Social media is an easy way to say something, but it’s a difficult way to be heard. Thunderclap is the first-ever crowdspeaking platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, flash mob-style, so it rises above the noise of your social networks. By boosting the signal at the same time, Thunderclap helps a single person create action and change like never before.


Prasad Panda
| September 2, 2015
Stephen Harper
| August 31, 2015
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