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In times of despair, utopias are preferable to dystopias

Photo: Enokson/flickr

There's something touching in how sales of 1984 have risen since Trump. Amazon is out of stock. Other dystopian novels, like Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, are doing well. It's one way to deal with a shock to the system: buy a book; then, basically, let it sit since it probably won't have much to do with what's spooking you on CNN. It's about the illusion of control.


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| May 11, 2012

Realitopia: Wordsmithing an eternal conflict

I recently read a piece by an ex-Alternatives member that was posted rabble.ca. Entitled "The term ‘NGO' is a misnomer," the article explores the clout of government in the non-governmental world. And while those remaining at Alternatives would presumably disagree with the cut, thrust, and construction of the argumentation and its conclusions, the NGO nomenclature debate is important.

It speaks to the very heart of the dilemma amongst us utopians -- how do you move a pile of excrement without getting any on you? At the very least, you are bound to smell of it.



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Suburbs vs. cities -- whose utopias?

Condominiums in downtown Vancouver. Photo: Gord McKenna/Flickr

In the suburbs I, I learned to drive

And you told me we'd never survive
Grab your mother's keys we're leaving

- The Suburbs, The Arcade Fire (Merge, 2010)



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Bata Colony: A shoe magnate's utopian dream

December 1, 2009
| The video documentary Colony by Cinema Suitcase examines a crumbling outpost of the Bata Shoe Company in Batanagar, India. Laura Lamb shares her thoughts about the film.
Length: 16:07

Karl-Marx-Allee, Friedrichshain


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