XenophobiaSyndicate content

Image: Facebook/Soldiers of Odin
| February 2, 2017
Human chain around U.S. Embassy in Ottawa
| February 1, 2017

Palestinian filmmaker facing deportation from Norway after officials claim he is not a director

Photo courtesy of "Ambulance" documentary (Jabfilm and First Hand Films)

Norwegian film organizations and unions have banded together in an international call for help from groups outside the country to put pressure on their government. At issue is the case of a Palestinian filmmaker, Mohamed Jabaly, who could be deported Dec. 30.

"I was supposed to be sent away today [Dec. 21] but my lawyer asked for more time to get my documents ready, thank God to the local police they understood," Jabaly told rabble.ca in a Skype interview.

"The problem is I don't have a bachelor's in film. I have one in IT but I am a filmmaker!"


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Maya Zinshtein on football, racism, religion, and her new film 'Forever Pure'

September 18, 2016
| Maya and I talk about her important new film "Forever Pure," racism, religion and hate, Israel, the cost of remaining silent, and politics as sport.
Length: 36:22 minutes (24.98 MB)
| August 15, 2016

Let's not mix xenophobia with legitimate resistance to corporate trade deals

Photo: Presidencia de la República Mexicana/flickr

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The decision of British voters to leave Europe has been treated as evidence that they're intolerant xenophobes keen to seal themselves off from the world. That Donald Trump is on their side only helps make the case that they represent a boorish throwback, a desire to make the English-speaking world great again by turning it into a giant gated community surrounded by sky-high walls.


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Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
| January 12, 2016

Trade deals and the neoliberal underpinnings of xenophobia

Image: EFF Photos/flickr

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Keep Karl on Parl

Many of us have been dismayed -- nay, depressed -- by the jump in xenophobic sentiments globally since the Paris attacks. This has countered or eclipsed the compassion following photos of 3-year-old Alan Kurdi's corpse two months ago. Then, the widest Canadian Google search phrase under refugees was, "how to sponsor." That clearly wouldn't be so now. The animosity may not be new, but it's uglier.


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No place for refugees at the U.S. table

Photo: Josh Zakary/flickr

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Keep Karl on Parl


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From Marois to Harper, niqab debate plays with xenophobic fire

Photo: pmwebphotos/flickr

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The election is coming to an end. All the way, I resisted the urge to write about the niqab. Why? I didn't want to create more controversy and stir the already ugly pot simmering in many people's minds. But then, it became stronger than me. My brain isn't as disciplined as my fingers so I found myself typing out thoughts about the niqab.


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