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'They're People Not Terrorists' photo campaign challenges prejudices behind U.S. travel ban

Photo: Adam Zivojinovic

Photographer Adam Zivo's work may be familiar to those aware of his project #LOVEISLOVEISLOVE, which he launched after the Orlando nightclub shooting. It featured tender, happy portraits of LGTBQ couples.

The Toronto-based photographer is now launching, on Friday, a new project in the wake of the U.S. travel ban that targets people from seven Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


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| February 8, 2017
Needs No Introduction

Combating Islamophobia in Media

April 11, 2016
| A presentation by rabble at the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House in Vancouver about how Islamophobia has permeated the news cycle and how we can move forward.
Length: 46:22 minutes (44.27 MB)
end racism
| March 19, 2015
Needs No Introduction

The sweet sound of protest: Words and music from the Day of Action to protest Bill C-51

March 15, 2015
| Speeches from Toronto's Bill C-51 Day of Action.
Length: 1:13:12 minutes (100.53 MB)
Talking Radical Radio

Islam and social justice at Toronto's Noor Cultural Centre

August 6, 2014
| Samira Kanji and Azeezah Kanji talk about the work for social justice at the Noor Cultural Centre in Toronto.
Length: 28:10 minutes (25.8 MB)

White square, dark times

Photo: White Square Campaign

You can change the conversation. Chip in to rabble's donation drive today!

The White Square Campaign against the Quebec Charter of Values is so new that if you Google "carré blanc québec" you get an article by transgender activist Michelle Blanc saying that the charter doesn't go nearly far enough. Quebec is never without a sense of humour.



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What is "Barbaric"? Feminist Reflections on Religion and Equality

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 - 11:47am


United Steelworkers Hall
Cecil Street
Toronto, ON
43° 39' 24.2064" N, 79° 23' 46.6224" W

On November 5th 2014, the federal Minister of Citizenship and Immigration tabled the Bill S-7, or the "Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act." If this highly inflammatory and xenophobic bill is passed, it will deepen institutional barriers to immigrant and racialized women reporting violence and will prevent them from accessing support and services. In the interest of discussing this and other issues related to violence, religion, culture, equality, discrimination and women's rights, Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) invites you to a community panel discussion. 

Book Launch: 'The Beautiful West & The Beloved of God'

Monday, November 3, 2014 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm


Another Story Bookshop
315 Roncesvalles Ave
Toronto, ON
43° 38' 54.7728" N, 79° 26' 59.1288" W

Help celebrate the launch of this book and be reminded of the power of fiction!

A reading and discussion with Michael Springate, around his new novel The Beautiful West & The Beloved of God just released by Guernica Editions as part of their Essential Prose series.  

About the novel
“The best and bravest book I’ve read in years … on par with the moral voices of Dostoyevsky and Solzhenitsyn.” – Charles Orloski, Writer and Cultural Critic

“An exceptional novel … a deeply personal and local story with global resonance.”
- Rana Bose, Author of The Fourth Canvas and Recovering Rude

Muslims and Multiculturalism

Thursday, May 30, 2013 - 6:30pm - 8:30pm


Noor Cultural Centre
123 Wynford Dr.
Toronto, ON
43° 43' 37.0236" N, 79° 19' 46.0128" W

Workshop on concerns about Muslim communities in North America with Azeezah Kanji and Khadijay K

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