Black Lives MatterSyndicate content

Image: Facebook/Yusra Khogali
| February 15, 2017

Black and trans voices frustrated by lack of inclusion in Vancouver Women's March

Trans activist and B.C. NDP candidate Morgane Oger

Controversy over the lack of Black and trans voices at the Vancouver Women's March on Washington has opened up a conversation about how to move forward with inclusive feminist organizing.

Organized by a group of five core volunteers, the Vancouver event labelled itself an inclusive march for all groups. The B.C. Government Employees Union estimates that as many as 15,000 people attended. However, on the night before the march, Black Lives Matter-Vancouver released a statement saying it had not received an invitation to participate and the chapter would not attend.



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Poverty and segregation endemic in U.S. cities

October 31, 2016
| Black poverty rates are double those of whites. One in three Black men has a felony record. U.S. cities are deeply segregated. Police killings have their roots in the system, says Paul Street.
Length: 15:28 minutes (14.17 MB)
| September 5, 2016

'The system isn't broken -- it was built this way!' Black Lives Matter Toronto rally on SIU's doorstep

Photo: Steph Wechsler

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The criminal justice and police oversight systems in Canada aren't malfunctioning. They were designed to disproportionately criminalize communities of colour. So Black Lives Matter Toronto is saying: shut it down.

On the one-month anniversary of police killing Abdirahman Abdi, a 37-year-old Somali-Canadian man, outside his Ottawa home, Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapters rallied in seven cities across Canada.



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| August 12, 2016

Pride march for queer people of colour creates critical space for healing

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On August 1, nearly 200 people gathered at Victory Square in Vancouver for the Two Spirited Queers, Trans, Intersexed, and Bisexual People of Colour Pride March.



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Six pervasive myths about Canada we must stop believing

Image: Dave Molenhuis

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After Brexit, the attempted military coup in Turkey, the murders of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, Donald Trump's grip on the Republican nomination, the collapse of the Democratic National Convention, and the numerous terrorist attacks around the world, many Canadians are relieved to call Canada home.



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Black Lives Matter bring fight for racial justice to Vancouver Dyke March

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