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Photo: Premier of Alberta/flickr
| February 15, 2017
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| January 2, 2017
Ed Stelmach
| December 21, 2016
Rebel Media Rally
| December 12, 2016
Chris Alexander
| December 6, 2016
Anti-Carbon-Tax Rally
| December 5, 2016
Jason Nixon
| November 8, 2016
Image: Facebook/Kellie Leitch
| October 20, 2016
Arseniy Yatsenyuk
| July 1, 2016

Activists protest 'barbaric cultural practices' hotline at Kellie Leitch's office

Photo: Michelle Robidoux

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"Say it loud, say it clear, Muslim women welcome here!" was the chant that filled the sidewalk outside of Minister of the Status of Women Kellie Leitch's campaign office in Alliston, Ontario on the afternoon of Thursday October 8.



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