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Lies, truth and alternative facts: Trump's bad weekend

Photo: Stephen Melkisethian/flickr

"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." --Samuel Adams, revolutionary (1722-1803)

"We shall overcomb" -- Women's March protest sign this past weekend

It is remarkable to me that in less than three days as President of the United States Donald Trump has managed to so exuberantly, beautifully and effortlessly alienate the press, bring a million or more women to the streets, leave himself and his closest aides open to exquisite satire and scare the shit out of sane people everywhere.


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Dispelling myths perpetuated in the mainstream media or by political pundits can sometimes be a challenge. This is never so true as it is when attempting to weed through a politician's or political campaign's material and spot the lies. Conservatives like nothing better than to foil the opposition by spreading myths about the "socialist agenda" or alleged hypocritical actions by more progressive leaders.



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