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Talking Radical Radio

Defending social movements against digital threats

February 8, 2017
| Dmitri Vitaliev talks about, a Montreal-based organization that works on digital security issues for social movements and human rights groups.
Length: 28:29 minutes (26.08 MB)
| January 12, 2017

CJFE Publishes New Resource: Securing Your Digital Life

By Taryn Blanchard

Digital technologies have become extremely important to journalism work, but this also means there is a growing number of tools and platforms that can be used against journalists as means of surveillance, identification and harassment by states and non-state actors alike.

Protecting yourself no longer means just securing your physical safety; it must also include securing your digital safety. Any breaches to your online life put your physical life at risk.



Safeguarding our digital security with cardboard doors and paper locks

Image: elhombredenegro/flickr

Imagine the houses in your hometown all have cardboard doors, or leave their doors wide open. Now imagine inside all those houses there are safes, jewellery cases, storage lockers and desk drawers all protected by locks made of paper. As you would expect, all of those houses and lockers and drawers would be easy pickings for professional burglars or even for unskilled thieves looking for something to pawn.

Now, imagine instead of stealing anything, the home invaders hid tiny devices inside all those poorly locked containers. Let's suppose those devices could make phone calls whenever and to wherever the invaders chose. Maybe the gizmos lay hidden in all those storage lockers and desk drawers, in all those homes, for years -- undetected and benign.


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We're living in the Golden Age of surveillance

Photo: flickr/ Intel Free Press

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