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| January 4, 2017
| September 20, 2016

Proportional representation not a cure-all for underrepresentation of women in Parliament

Photo: flickr/Eric Constantineau

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Something amazing happened during the July 7 meeting of the Special Committee on Electoral Reform: the committee briefly waded into a discussion about how to address the underrepresentation of women and visible minorities in the House of Commons.



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'Canadian democracy will be healthier': Elizabeth May on electoral reform

Photo: flickr/Laurel L. Russwurm

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On June 2, the Liberals agreed to support the NDP's proposal that the electoral reform committee be proportional to the popular vote in the 2015 election. The NDP's proposal ensures that parties will have to collaborate on electoral reform because no one party will have a majority.



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Nation-to-nation recognition, not electoral reform, key to increasing Indigenous voter turnout

Image: YouTube/Young Medicine

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Proportional representation for Canada: A primer

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There are two main families of voting systems in the world: proportional and plurality/majoritiarian.

The latter category is commonly referred to as "winner-take-all" and designed to manufacture a single-party majority government.



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Activists gear up for 'historic opportunity' to usher in proportional representation

Photo: flickr/Laurel L. Russwurm

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As the Liberal government begins to move forward on its election promise to change the way Canada votes, advocacy groups and non-profit organizations that have been tackling the issue of electoral reform long before the Liberals were sworn in last fall are ramping up their campaigns.

"We have a historic opportunity at the national level for voting reform," Jamie Biggar, Campaigns Director at Leadnow told rabble.



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Proportional representation is not 'too complicated' -- the fix is in

Photo: flickr/ liz west

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The voting reform debate in Canada is full of statements like these:



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Proportional representation is the only way to make every vote count

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During the 2015 federal election campaign, Justin Trudeau promised that this election would be the last conducted under the first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting system.



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