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The social media fight against Trump is a modern battle of the presses

Photo: nevermindtheend/flickr

At first glance there would seem to be little that would connect Donald Trump with Martin Luther, but stick with me here.

In 1517 Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with his 95 Theses. This document railed against Papal indulgences, which the faithful could buy as a sort of "Get Out of Jail Free" card for sin.

The later Reformation also held that Christian scripture is the only source of the rules for worship. There was no need for priests to get in the way. This, of course, went over in Rome like a fart in a spacesuit. 


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Image: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore
| February 2, 2017
Image: Flickr/Roland Tanglao
| January 27, 2017
Image: Flickr/Thomas Hawk
| January 10, 2017

Joke news provides hope among stories on 'fake news'

Image: Flickr/BagoGames

This was the year of fake news, as I keep reading. But so were most years preceding it. In 1897 newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst sent ace illustrator Frederic Remington to Cuba to cover a revolutionary war against its Spanish rulers. Remington wrote to Hearst that he found no revolution and there would be no war. "You furnish the pictures," wrote Hearst, "and I'll furnish the war." War duly followed, and the sorry saga of Cuba-U.S. relations, still ongoing.


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Washington Post creating propaganda, not exposing it

December 21, 2016
| An article in the Washington Post on Nov 4 claimed to present evidence of Russian propaganda in the form of the website Prop-or-Not. Veteran reporter Dave Lindorff calls the article sloppy journalism.
Length: 17:06 minutes (15.66 MB)

Fake news is foolish but the consequences are real

Source: Facebook

This week a photo of a racist letter made the rounds on social media.

It read:

"Dear Terrorist-Bitch,

We are writing to you as the newly organized Neighborhood Town Watch. We understand that you currently wear a scarf on your head and we would like to put you on notice that this will no longer be tolerated in our neighborhood.

Now that America is great again, we would like to offer you two opportunities to avoid any consequences on your poor previous decisions. First, you can take your radical attire of and live like all Americans. Or, your second option, you can go back to the God Forsaken land you came from.

America is Great Again,

Neighborhood Town Watch"


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| July 31, 2016
| April 1, 2016
Image: rabble.ca
| April 1, 2015
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