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'Rise' series documents frontlines of Indigenous movements

Still from "Apache Stronghold. "Image credit: VICE

Rise is a fantastic new series by VICE and APTN that covers a resurgent Indigenous cultural urgency, filmed expertly by Toronto's Christopher Yapp and executive directed by the talented, award-winning Ontario filmmaker Michelle Latimer.

I was able to preview two episodes of the eight-part series (which debuts January 27 on VICELAND): "Apache Stronghold" (Arizona) and "Red Power" (North Dakota). If the rest of the series is just as powerful -- in storytelling, educational components and underlining human stakes -- I would highly recommend watching this series. 


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rabble radio

World Social Forum: The sequel

September 1, 2016
| We have more interviews from the World Social Forum! Indigenous struggles and resistance, the American election, and our newest podcast on the RPN.
Length: 32:27 minutes (37.14 MB)
Panel members: ‘Convergence Assembly on Gendered Impacts: Indigenous women and r
| August 17, 2016
August 5, 2016 |
Each year, on August 9, the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is observed to promote and acknowledge the rights of the world's indigenous communities.

WATCH: June 17 walk to protect Ottawa's sacred site

On June 17, Algonquin Elders invite you to a massive walk to protect the Asinabka sacred site at Chaudière Falls, Ottawa, also known as Akikodjiwan.

For over 200 years Anishnabe / Algonquin Elders of Ontario and Quebec have asked the Crown and later the Government of Canada that their Sacred Site be returned to their care.

In 2012 the ConservativegGovernment abandoned the promise of the return of the Sacred Site and encouraged private ownership and massive development.

In 2014 a letter of intent between the City of Ottawa, private industry and the NCC announced the building of condominiums and multiple businesses on the Sacred Islands. 


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May 19, 2016 |
A new report from the CCPA finds that 51% of Indigenous children live in poverty and astonishingly that rises to as high as 60% for children on reserves. Where is the state of emergency?
| April 30, 2016

#OccupyINAC Vancouver continues to protest in solidarity with Attawapiskat

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Ten Indigenous mothers, women, and children are currently occupying Vancouver's Indigenous and Northern Affairs offices (INAC) in solidarity with the Attawapiskat Youth Council. The group has been there since Monday April 18 and have vowed to stay until the Attawapiskat Youth Council's demands are met.



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Occupations of INAC offices continue in solidarity with Attawapiskat

Photo: Idle No More Toronto Facebook page

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Update: According to Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Government of Canada's official twitter page, INAC regional offices in Toronto, Regina, Winnipeg and Gatineau.

The #OccupyINAC group in Winnipeg has released an official statement which you can read here.



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| January 20, 2016
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