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Attawapiskat youth sing out about community's crisis

A group of youths in Attawapiskat, working with national Charity DAREarts and Juno-nominated singer Glenn Marais, are telling the story of the crisis in their community directly through song.

Watch this video and share to help spread the message and help them be heard.



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Possible mercury dumping ground increases calls for action by Grassy Narrows

Photo: flickr/Howl Arts Collective

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UPDATE: Yesterday six Grassy Narrows supporters were arrested and held overnight. They had a bail hearing on Friday morning in Toronto and were charged.

The supporters are calling for action on the mercury contamination near Grassy Narrows. Watch and share this video to show your support.



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Federal ministers hold face-to-face meeting with Occupy INAC protesters in Vancouver

The Council of Mothers stand with federal ministers at the Radisson Hotel in Ric

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Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, and Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage, met with Indigenous advocacy group Council of Mothers to discuss funding opportunities for Indigenous youth and languages on May 24.



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River Run, Indigenous death in detention, equity and media literacy

June 6, 2016
| This week GroundWire is produced at CILU FM, on Fort William First Nation's Annishinabe Traditional Territory, part of the Robinson-Superior Treaty in Thunder Bay Ontario.
Length: 29:30 minutes (27.01 MB)

'Healthy river, healthy people': 1,000+ march for justice for Grassy Narrows

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Youth from the Grassy Narrows First Nation led a throng of supporters from Queen's Park to Allen Gardens in the fourth River Run since 2010. 



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Grassy Narrows First Nation demands Wynne clean up mercury in waterways

Photo: Steph Wechsler

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This week, a new study commissioned by the Ontario provincial government and the Grassy Narrows First Nation determined that the mercury poisoning of the Wabigoon-English River system can be cleaned up.



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Lubicon Lake Nation demands action, justice for ongoing discrimination and exploitation

Photo: YouTube

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On Wednesday May 18, Lubicon Lake Nation Chief Bernard Ominayak met with Alberta's Indigenous Relations Minister, Richard Feehan, following the Nation's recent human rights complaints. 



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Nation-to-nation recognition, not electoral reform, key to increasing Indigenous voter turnout

Image: YouTube/Young Medicine

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#OccupyINAC Vancouver declares victory after ministers agree to meeting

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On Monday April 25, the Occupy INAC group in Vancouver declared victory after confirming a meeting with the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Carolyn Bennett and Minister of Canadian Heritage, Mélanie Joly. 



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#OccupyINAC Vancouver continues to protest in solidarity with Attawapiskat

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Ten Indigenous mothers, women, and children are currently occupying Vancouver's Indigenous and Northern Affairs offices (INAC) in solidarity with the Attawapiskat Youth Council. The group has been there since Monday April 18 and have vowed to stay until the Attawapiskat Youth Council's demands are met.



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