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The civil war in Syria: A case study in propaganda

January 28, 2017
| The story we are told about the civil war in Syria is that it's a fight for freedom and democracy against a brutal dictator. Journalist Rick Sterling says this narrative is based on lies and fraud.
Length: 17:27 minutes (15.98 MB)
Green Majority Radio

Activism in the age of terror

June 20, 2016
| Peabody Energy is a massive coal company that recently filed for bankruptcy revealing the monumental degree to which they funded science denial. Also... terrorism.
Length: 55:09 minutes (50.51 MB)
Image: Facebook/Sadiq Khan
| May 17, 2016
| March 26, 2016

Eileen Thalenberg on Islamophobia, brokenness and the power of community

March 21, 2016
| Listen in as Eileen talks about her new film "A Jihadi In The Family" and the themes of Islamophobia, brokenness and the power of real community.
Length: 33:39 minutes (23.12 MB)
Image: YouTube
| February 26, 2016
Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan
| February 23, 2016
| February 17, 2016

Arguments against Canada's bombing mission exist, but Trudeau hasn't uttered them

Photo: flickr/ nate1280

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Not Rex: On Canada's hypocritical relationship with Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia, our Middle Eastern allies, just killed 47 people deemed "terrorists" in a single day. But, Canada has "no intention" of cancelling $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia.

If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau really wanted "real change" perhaps he should consider nixing this arms deal.


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