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Phobias, mental health and pride: A QPOC perspective

Photo: flickr/Michael Kazarnowicz

It has been just over two weeks since I woke up to a friend informing me that "there was a big shooting in Orlando." I was instantly filled with anxiety as I turned over in my bed and reluctantly responded, "Oh no. I really hope it wasn't my people."

I could already locate in my body a well-known heaviness that precedes the media wave of causal inquiry that consistently lands in the same place, laced with its own violent punches and cheers from its fixated audience.

I knew that within hours the media would begin making connections between Islam and terrorism in ways that implicate all Muslims as a matter of course.

With this knowledge, I deliberately postponed looking at anything on social media for an entire morning.



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Not Rex: Orlando shootings product of homegrown hate and gun culture

Orlando is red with the blood from people who aren't even allowed to legally give blood.

We need to look at how the homegrown hate and out-of-control gun culture in America is fuelling these crimes and do something more than just declaring these attacks tragedies.


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