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Feminist Current

Contextualizing the burkini/bikini debate

September 6, 2016
| In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Natasha Bakht about the burkini, veiling, and how this debate impacts Muslim women.
Length: 26:43 minutes (12.24 MB)
Needs No Introduction

Combating Islamophobia in Media

April 11, 2016
| A presentation by rabble at the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House in Vancouver about how Islamophobia has permeated the news cycle and how we can move forward.
Length: 46:22 minutes (44.27 MB)

How to combat Islamophobia in the media

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The media has a powerful ability to shape the way we view our world. In the midst of elections, international conflicts and refugee crises, Islamophobia has permeated our news cycle. 



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Finding the right moment to intertwine progressive movements

Photo: flickr/ UN Women

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We sometimes take for granted, just how easy it is for well-meaning people to work in silos.

But, by the same token, we must also appreciate that sometimes movements must take time to find their voice, to understand their motivations and to articulate their demands.



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| October 14, 2015

Conservatives still oblivious to issues important to Muslim women

Photo: flickr/ Tom Woodward

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Activists protest 'barbaric cultural practices' hotline at Kellie Leitch's office

Photo: Michelle Robidoux

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"Say it loud, say it clear, Muslim women welcome here!" was the chant that filled the sidewalk outside of Minister of the Status of Women Kellie Leitch's campaign office in Alliston, Ontario on the afternoon of Thursday October 8.



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Do Muslim women need saving?

"Do Muslim women need saving?" book jacket

Do Muslim women need saving? This is the question author Lila Abu-Lughod tries to answer in her book published by Harvard University Press in 2013.


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Once again the bodies of Muslim women are used to justify wars

Photo: Kamyar Adl/flickr

Lord Cromer, the British consul general of Egypt, who was the de facto ruler of that country between 1883 to 1907, wrote in his book, Modern Egypt:

"The position of women in Egypt, and Mohammedan countries generally, is ... a fatal obstacle to the attainment of that elevation of thought and character which should accompany the Western civilisation … The obvious remedy would appear to be to educate women."


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| March 11, 2015
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