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John Ashton
| January 12, 2017
Sandra Jansen and Rachel Notley
| November 18, 2016
Mark Carney
| June 7, 2016
Image: Calgary Homeless Foundation
| May 4, 2016

Rachel Notley asks Justin Trudeau to show leadership

Photo: Chris Schwarz/Premier of Alberta/flickr

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Justin Trudeau is holding a three-day cabinet retreat in the mountain resort of Kananaskis, an hour west of Calgary. Alberta premier Rachel Notley made a presentation to Liberal ministers on Sunday, and held a private meeting with the Canadian prime minister as well.


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Rather than fearing the Leap Manifesto, let's bring on the debate

Photo: United Steelworkers/flickr

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That silly Leap Manifesto -- giving itself away right in the subtitle, which calls for "a Canada based on caring for the Earth and one another." No wonder it provoked fury and outrage.

As my colleague Thomas Walkom pointed out earlier this week, reports of the manifesto's scariness have been greatly exaggerated; its call for a transition from fossil fuels to green energy is solidly based in science and widely accepted.


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The Leap: Time for a reality check

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Photo: Chris Schwarz/Premier of Alberta/flickr
| April 13, 2016
Stephanie McLean and Patrick
| March 9, 2016

NDP Premier Rachel Notley lives the bitumen bust

Photo: Premier of Alberta/flickr

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The NDP promised to review royalties paid by Alberta natural gas and oil producers. Last Friday Premier Rachel Notley released the report and reacted to its findings.

It is well known that Alberta revenues from natural gas and oil have been a bargain for producers, and the four-member review panel pointed this out in its report.


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